Getting Your Autoresponder Messages Through The
Spam Filters
In light of the spam problem, most email clients now
have spam filters installed. These filters catch spam
email and either move it to a ‘spam folder’ or
automatically delete it. After spending a great deal
of time laboring over your series of autoresponder
messages, it would be a shame to find out that the
Spam Filters
In light of the spam problem, most email clients now
have spam filters installed. These filters catch spam
email and either move it to a ‘spam folder’ or
automatically delete it. After spending a great deal
of time laboring over your series of autoresponder
messages, it would be a shame to find out that the
majority of the messages that are sent out end up
in the spam folder, or are automatically deleted as
You can avoid this in two ways. First, when anyone
signs up to receive information from your
autoresponder, have them automatically redirected
to a page that gives them instructions for ‘white
listing’ you. Email clients have an actual white list
where the owner of the email client can add specific
addresses that should never be considered spam.
The other way to make sure that your autoresponder
messages get through the spam filters is to check
them using one of the various spam checkers that
are available online. These programs are often web
based, and free to use. They check your message
in the spam folder, or are automatically deleted as
You can avoid this in two ways. First, when anyone
signs up to receive information from your
autoresponder, have them automatically redirected
to a page that gives them instructions for ‘white
listing’ you. Email clients have an actual white list
where the owner of the email client can add specific
addresses that should never be considered spam.
The other way to make sure that your autoresponder
messages get through the spam filters is to check
them using one of the various spam checkers that
are available online. These programs are often web
based, and free to use. They check your message
listing’ you. Email clients have an actual white list
where the owner of the email client can add specific
addresses that should never be considered spam.
The other way to make sure that your autoresponder
messages get through the spam filters is to check
them using one of the various spam checkers that
are available online. These programs are often web
based, and free to use. They check your message
for words or phrases that commonly trigger spam
filters in email clients. Don’t send out any
autoresponder messages without doing a spam
check first!
(word count 200)
where the owner of the email client can add specific
addresses that should never be considered spam.
The other way to make sure that your autoresponder
messages get through the spam filters is to check
them using one of the various spam checkers that
are available online. These programs are often web
based, and free to use. They check your message
for words or phrases that commonly trigger spam
filters in email clients. Don’t send out any
autoresponder messages without doing a spam
check first!
(word count 200)