The Bathroom Accessories that make you relax
Do you have a couple of rooms upstairs away from everyone that is being used for storage? Want to do something different and have a place to relax. I have some ideas that might help you with your new project.
Put a large sliding glass door between the two rooms. In one corner, two steps up set your extra large tub. How about add a skylight in the ceiling to let in the daylight during the day and the stars at night. Don’t forget to add mirrors around you tub with lots of candles on the ledge. Candles are so pretty reflecting off the mirrors. Maybe you might want more light so put one or two fancy light fixtures on one wall or in the ceiling.
If you have a large bathroom, why not install a fireplace on the opposite side of your glass. A fireplace will add more of a romantic and relaxing sensation to your rooms. On the ledge add some more candles and maybe put a picture over them to go with your theme.
Always chose a theme before you start your new project. Having a theme will help you to choose your colors and the mood you want to have when enjoyed your time.
You can also install a large cabinet at the end of your sink. Set a microwave and mini-fridge in it. You’ll need something to keep that wine cold while your relaxing.
Have another space in the extra bathroom. Set a chair in it to sit while putting on your lotions. You’ll want a lot of lotions and oils along with some smelly bubbles to help you relax and set the mood you are in. Remember they should all be the same scent so that the smells all drift from one room to the next.
When choosing your carpet be sure to get a natural color you might want to chance you color later on and not the carpet. The sink, counter, stool and tub should all match too but try not to have the same colors as your flooring. To much of one color will make the your room dull and not exciting to be in. It will also make you depressed sometimes if everything is the same color. So, mix and match. When choosing your tile make sure it is small maybe 1x1. The small the tile the less change you have of slipping when getting out of the tub and down the steps.
Like to read and relax at the same time. Set a basket near the chair and lay some outdated magazines in it. Get yourself a bath pillow to fit one end of the tub and a magazine pour in the bubble with a glass of wine and read. Sound cozy doesn’t it.
Be creative when organizing your new bathroom. Set a plant on a stand or even one corner of your tub. With the skylights, they will get enough sunlight and the moisture is good for them too.
Have more space and don’t know what to do with it. Put a towel rack in to put those entire special and fancy towel and washcloths you have in the cupboard. Fancy towels always make a person feel special along with all the oils and bubbles.
Once you have all your bath accessories organized and put away get that fancy and comfortable sleepwear you’ve always wanted and use it only when your in your own special rooms.
Putting lotion on and your new sleepwear will make the final relaxation come to and you can than sit back and enjoy the new you. Have fun and enjoy.
Do you have a couple of rooms upstairs away from everyone that is being used for storage? Want to do something different and have a place to relax. I have some ideas that might help you with your new project.
Put a large sliding glass door between the two rooms. In one corner, two steps up set your extra large tub. How about add a skylight in the ceiling to let in the daylight during the day and the stars at night. Don’t forget to add mirrors around you tub with lots of candles on the ledge. Candles are so pretty reflecting off the mirrors. Maybe you might want more light so put one or two fancy light fixtures on one wall or in the ceiling.
If you have a large bathroom, why not install a fireplace on the opposite side of your glass. A fireplace will add more of a romantic and relaxing sensation to your rooms. On the ledge add some more candles and maybe put a picture over them to go with your theme.
Always chose a theme before you start your new project. Having a theme will help you to choose your colors and the mood you want to have when enjoyed your time.
You can also install a large cabinet at the end of your sink. Set a microwave and mini-fridge in it. You’ll need something to keep that wine cold while your relaxing.
Have another space in the extra bathroom. Set a chair in it to sit while putting on your lotions. You’ll want a lot of lotions and oils along with some smelly bubbles to help you relax and set the mood you are in. Remember they should all be the same scent so that the smells all drift from one room to the next.
When choosing your carpet be sure to get a natural color you might want to chance you color later on and not the carpet. The sink, counter, stool and tub should all match too but try not to have the same colors as your flooring. To much of one color will make the your room dull and not exciting to be in. It will also make you depressed sometimes if everything is the same color. So, mix and match. When choosing your tile make sure it is small maybe 1x1. The small the tile the less change you have of slipping when getting out of the tub and down the steps.
Like to read and relax at the same time. Set a basket near the chair and lay some outdated magazines in it. Get yourself a bath pillow to fit one end of the tub and a magazine pour in the bubble with a glass of wine and read. Sound cozy doesn’t it.
Be creative when organizing your new bathroom. Set a plant on a stand or even one corner of your tub. With the skylights, they will get enough sunlight and the moisture is good for them too.
Have more space and don’t know what to do with it. Put a towel rack in to put those entire special and fancy towel and washcloths you have in the cupboard. Fancy towels always make a person feel special along with all the oils and bubbles.
Once you have all your bath accessories organized and put away get that fancy and comfortable sleepwear you’ve always wanted and use it only when your in your own special rooms.
Putting lotion on and your new sleepwear will make the final relaxation come to and you can than sit back and enjoy the new you. Have fun and enjoy.