Bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms are the first in most homes to look dated and dirty. Tile binding is where you are most likely to find mold because the dampest areas of kitchens and bathrooms are often tiled. The binding is porous and a definite breeding ground for mold and mildew. There are a number of methods for effective grout restoration Venice FL homeowners can handle on their own.
Bleaching tiles is the most common method for cleaning tiles. It is effective and will kill the spores. Bleach is also a disinfecting agent and will get soap scum off the tiles as well as the mold. You should mix one part bleach with four parts water and spray it on the tiles. Leave it for about a half hour before you scrub it with a bristle brush. A toothbrush works well between the tiles.
Bleaching tiles is the most common method for cleaning tiles. It is effective and will kill the spores. Bleach is also a disinfecting agent and will get soap scum off the tiles as well as the mold. You should mix one part bleach with four parts water and spray it on the tiles. Leave it for about a half hour before you scrub it with a bristle brush. A toothbrush works well between the tiles.
Bleach gives off fumes though, and you need to be careful when using it in a confined space, like most bathrooms. You should open any windows and leave the door standing open. Because bleach can ruin the color on tiles and grout, you should test it in a inconspicuous place before spraying the whole shower and floor.
Baking soda is something most people have in their pantries. You might prefer it to bleach because it doesn't give off fumes, meaning you won't need a mask over your mouth or protective eye wear. Baking soda is less effective at killing spores. Bleach is better for that. You can apply baking soda as a spray or create a paste that you manually scrub into the tile.
It might seem surprising, but table salt is a good way to rid your tiles of mold. You can't spray it on though. You have to apply the salt to a wet cloth and then scrub the tiles making sure to get the wet salt into the cement binding. You will not be able to use the shower that day. The salt mixture needs to stay until the next morning when you can rinse it off with clear water.
Vinegar is another household product that is cheap and extremely effective as a cleaning agent. It has natural acidic properties that retard bacterial growth. You can spray equal parts of vinegar and water directly onto tiles and wait about thirty minutes. You will have to scrub with a bristle brush.
Prevention is your best defense against mold. Leaving the shower door open after use and leaving the exhaust fan running after showering will help. Hanging towels instead of leaving them in a heap on the floor will reduce humidity.
Wiping down the shower walls after use and frequent washing of shower curtain
Baking soda is something most people have in their pantries. You might prefer it to bleach because it doesn't give off fumes, meaning you won't need a mask over your mouth or protective eye wear. Baking soda is less effective at killing spores. Bleach is better for that. You can apply baking soda as a spray or create a paste that you manually scrub into the tile.
It might seem surprising, but table salt is a good way to rid your tiles of mold. You can't spray it on though. You have to apply the salt to a wet cloth and then scrub the tiles making sure to get the wet salt into the cement binding. You will not be able to use the shower that day. The salt mixture needs to stay until the next morning when you can rinse it off with clear water.
Vinegar is another household product that is cheap and extremely effective as a cleaning agent. It has natural acidic properties that retard bacterial growth. You can spray equal parts of vinegar and water directly onto tiles and wait about thirty minutes. You will have to scrub with a bristle brush.
Prevention is your best defense against mold. Leaving the shower door open after use and leaving the exhaust fan running after showering will help. Hanging towels instead of leaving them in a heap on the floor will reduce humidity.
Wiping down the shower walls after use and frequent washing of shower curtain
It might seem surprising, but table salt is a good way to rid your tiles of mold. You can't spray it on though. You have to apply the salt to a wet cloth and then scrub the tiles making sure to get the wet salt into the cement binding. You will not be able to use the shower that day. The salt mixture needs to stay until the next morning when you can rinse it off with clear water.
Vinegar is another household product that is cheap and extremely effective as a cleaning agent. It has natural acidic properties that retard bacterial growth. You can spray equal parts of vinegar and water directly onto tiles and wait about thirty minutes. You will have to scrub with a bristle brush.
Prevention is your best defense against mold. Leaving the shower door open after use and leaving the exhaust fan running after showering will help. Hanging towels instead of leaving them in a heap on the floor will reduce humidity.
Wiping down the shower walls after use and frequent washing of shower curtains and liners will help. Spraying surfaces with a mold prevention solution once a week will reduce the risk of bacteria. It is a lot easier to prevent mold in the first place than to try and get rid of it once it gets ingrained in your tiles and grout.
About the Author:
Vinegar is another household product that is cheap and extremely effective as a cleaning agent. It has natural acidic properties that retard bacterial growth. You can spray equal parts of vinegar and water directly onto tiles and wait about thirty minutes. You will have to scrub with a bristle brush.
Prevention is your best defense against mold. Leaving the shower door open after use and leaving the exhaust fan running after showering will help. Hanging towels instead of leaving them in a heap on the floor will reduce humidity.
Wiping down the shower walls after use and frequent washing of shower curtains and liners will help. Spraying surfaces with a mold prevention solution once a week will reduce the risk of bacteria. It is a lot easier to prevent mold in the first place than to try and get rid of it once it gets ingrained in your tiles and grout.
About the Author:
You can find an overview of the reasons why you should use professional grout restoration Venice FL services at today.