Every culture has different ways of how it is celebrated. Every place in every country has its way of celebrating festivals and ceremonies that have been part of their practices. It is common among everyone to attend into these kinds of festivities to experience the culture other people have grown to, to socialize and to experience religious related activities. Have you heard of powwows? Perhaps, not all of you have heard of it, or maybe you do from somewhere else. The Native american pow wows have been proof of a living tribal tradition and culture.
Celebrating culture and heritage is a way of keeping and protecting old practices. Powwow has served positive engagement with regards to the new generation. It has provided them to transfer the possession of the rich culture and heritage of every American Indian. It has been an effectual way to let people socialize and be part of the activities such as dancing and singing. Apart from that, it had also catered to renew relationships and friendships.
Healing ceremony was powwow known for before it evolved into something that even people who are not identified to be one of them would still enjoy. The healing is done with the religious leaders. There is no exact distinction of how it came into existence, and all people know is that it allowed believers to be consistent with that they truly stand in with the help of spiritual existence. The event would usually start in the summer and spring seasons.
It has proven to evolve throughout the years as it started as a religious event to obtain insights and to recognize the creator, Wakan Tanka. Today, it has been more of a celebration to showcase the tribal dancers and singers competitively. However, the celebration is not complete without the religious side of it. Ideally, it did not undergo drastic changes when it comes to how it is celebrated and how it should be, but it only added significant excitement for all to engage in.
Healing will always be the highlight of every ceremony which is also associated with chants, dancing and singing, drum playing and a lot more. The younger generation is fortunate enough to still experience the beauty of this ceremonial situation. However, as not all can join every event, some powwows would offer their time to go around the country and look for potential people that would be willing to learn more about the heritage.
Apart from dancing, there are also singing activities that are mostly competition oriented. Performances are mostly related to religion, stories and the involvement of their culture. This celebration would usually last up to three days straight with several dancers and singers who would participate. This is attended by over one hundred thousand people who would watch, socialize and enjoy the festivities. This explains how this culture has been highly celebrated today.
Part of this ceremony is the showcasing of fancy, colorful and complex dresses that natives mostly use in their performances. There is a lot of intricate tailoring that to be done just to come up with the best dresses for their performances. Some of these dances would include the fancy feather dancing, jingle dancing and so much more. A dress for them is not just something worn, but it also has its origin and is designed with its meaning. This has been one of the many features that they showcase with so much pride.
In the generation today, some do not celebrate the festivities of their tribe, neither the religious beliefs. Most cultures are highly westernized, which follows a different way. Celebrations today would include partying with alcoholic drinks. People today will never understand why preservation of culture has been part of the identity that powwows have kept throughout the years. It gives them so much pride in how they can sustain these aspects.
Perhaps, there could be several factors that have affected other cultures to die down. It is the preservation and determination that is lacking. When you commit to keeping and protecting your culture, you are also conserving the practices you have possessed from the teachings of your ancestors. In such a way, it helped a person determine and redevelop the identity.
Celebrating culture and heritage is a way of keeping and protecting old practices. Powwow has served positive engagement with regards to the new generation. It has provided them to transfer the possession of the rich culture and heritage of every American Indian. It has been an effectual way to let people socialize and be part of the activities such as dancing and singing. Apart from that, it had also catered to renew relationships and friendships.
Healing ceremony was powwow known for before it evolved into something that even people who are not identified to be one of them would still enjoy. The healing is done with the religious leaders. There is no exact distinction of how it came into existence, and all people know is that it allowed believers to be consistent with that they truly stand in with the help of spiritual existence. The event would usually start in the summer and spring seasons.
It has proven to evolve throughout the years as it started as a religious event to obtain insights and to recognize the creator, Wakan Tanka. Today, it has been more of a celebration to showcase the tribal dancers and singers competitively. However, the celebration is not complete without the religious side of it. Ideally, it did not undergo drastic changes when it comes to how it is celebrated and how it should be, but it only added significant excitement for all to engage in.
Healing will always be the highlight of every ceremony which is also associated with chants, dancing and singing, drum playing and a lot more. The younger generation is fortunate enough to still experience the beauty of this ceremonial situation. However, as not all can join every event, some powwows would offer their time to go around the country and look for potential people that would be willing to learn more about the heritage.
Apart from dancing, there are also singing activities that are mostly competition oriented. Performances are mostly related to religion, stories and the involvement of their culture. This celebration would usually last up to three days straight with several dancers and singers who would participate. This is attended by over one hundred thousand people who would watch, socialize and enjoy the festivities. This explains how this culture has been highly celebrated today.
Part of this ceremony is the showcasing of fancy, colorful and complex dresses that natives mostly use in their performances. There is a lot of intricate tailoring that to be done just to come up with the best dresses for their performances. Some of these dances would include the fancy feather dancing, jingle dancing and so much more. A dress for them is not just something worn, but it also has its origin and is designed with its meaning. This has been one of the many features that they showcase with so much pride.
In the generation today, some do not celebrate the festivities of their tribe, neither the religious beliefs. Most cultures are highly westernized, which follows a different way. Celebrations today would include partying with alcoholic drinks. People today will never understand why preservation of culture has been part of the identity that powwows have kept throughout the years. It gives them so much pride in how they can sustain these aspects.
Perhaps, there could be several factors that have affected other cultures to die down. It is the preservation and determination that is lacking. When you commit to keeping and protecting your culture, you are also conserving the practices you have possessed from the teachings of your ancestors. In such a way, it helped a person determine and redevelop the identity.
About the Author:
The talented Native american pow wows are great performers who will keep you entertained for many hours. Take a look at this website for more details at http://www.thunderingspiritfamily.com/performers.