Making Up Swimming Pool Reports

By Donna Murray

Cities that offer recreational facilities for residents are tasked with making sure they stay safe and intact at all times. They cannot risk the liability of someone getting hurt or sickened when using one of these facilities found within the city limits. To keep them safe and free from risks, city inspectors often will compile swimming pool reports and other documentation on a regular basis. When you are tasked with this job, you can perform it satisfactorily by knowing what criteria to look at during the inspection.

When it comes to inspecting pools, one of the first things you might consider is the PH level in the water. Inspectors require the PH level to be within a certain level. The water cannot be too base or acidic for the safety of any people who will swim in it.

The city you work for will give you a special gauge that will read the acidity or base level of the water. Based on its findings, you will know whether to recommend more chlorine or salt being added to the water. You can then recheck it as often as needed to make sure it is safe for swimmers and others who come to enjoy the facility.

The actual fixture itself may also need to be inspected closely. Damages in the lining like cracks, breaks, and holes put swimmers at risk. They could easily cut themselves or break a bone slipping on a crack or break in the lining. Your job will involve looking at it closely and determining what damages if any need to be fixed.

Once the damages are found, you can order them to be repaired immediately. You may give the manager or owner a week or more to get the problems addressed. You will then come back out for another inspection to make sure the work has been finished to your satisfaction.

The lining is not the only part of the pools that might suffer damages. The diving boards likewise can succumb to wear and tear after so many years. They might show signs of aging like cracks and warping. They may not sustain the weight of divers for very long and could potentially collapse when someone is trying to jump off them. You will be required to climb the ladder and get a good look for yourself.

Likewise, the life preserver and nets must also be in good condition. These fixtures are important in saving the lives of people who might not be able to swim and reach the side. The lifeguards use them to retrieve people going under and also to bring people safely to the side so they can climb out of these pools. If they are broken, they are not going to be of any use to the lifeguards.

These are some of the details that could go into pool reports you make for the city. You have an important job of making sure all of the fixtures are safe and intact. Your final report will determine if the pools can stay open or if they need to be closed for repairs. You might be required to compile them on a regular basis.

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